dr Martin Testa
Martin Testa, Ph.D.
Academic profile:
- Assistant professor at the Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies (University of Warsaw) (since 2019/2020)
- B.A. Advisor (since 2020/2021)
- Associate Editor at Itinerarios (ISSN 1507-7241) (since 2021)
- Member of the Admission Board
Specialization: Applied Linguistics, Text Linguistics, Glottodidactics
Academic career:
Martin Testa holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics (University of Warsaw, 2019) and an M.A. in English Philology (University of Vigo, 2013). In the summer of 2011 he participated in the Erasmus Practice program at the University of Bielsko-Biała. He also spent the academic years 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 at the Institute of English Studies at the University of Warsaw, both under the Erasmus program and as a Guest Student. Since 2021 he has been Associate Editor at Itinerarios (ISSN 1507-7241). His current main areas of research are the interface between grammar and information structure, L2 academic writing, as well as research methods in applied linguistics.
Interests and research areas:
- Applied linguistics
- Text linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
- Research methods
- L2 Academic Writing
- Syntax and semantics
E-mail address: m.testa@uw.edu.pl
Office hours: Tuesday 12:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (room 3.236) (Please sign up in advance by e-mail)
Courses: USOS Web: Martin Testa
Organization of international academic events:
- 19.05.2022 – 21.05.2022 University of Warsaw: IX Simposio Internacional de Hispanistas «Encuentros 2022» (Organizing committee)
- 08.04.2022 University of Warsaw: "III Seminarium Młodych Badaczy SEJ-In" (online) (Organizing committee)
- 15.01.2021 University of Warsaw: "II Seminarium Młodych Badaczy SEJ-In" (online) (Organizing committee)
- 28.10.2020 – 29.10.2020 University of Warsaw: "La enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en el siglo XXI" (Secretary)
- 15.04.2010 – 17.04.2010 University of Vigo: “XXVIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA)” (Student staff)
- Testa, M. (2021). “Un modello per l’insegnamento degli articoli italiani a studenti di lingue madri senza articoli”. Italiano LinguaDue: Rivista di linguistica italiana e educazione linguistica, 2021/2: 35-53. doi: 10.54103/2037-3597/17128
- Testa, M. (2021). "Una heurística para la enseñanza de los artículos españoles”. Itinerarios: Revista de estudios lingüísticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos, 33: 205-224. doi: 10.7311/itinerarios.33.2021.12
- Testa, M. (2021). “The acquisition of Spanish articles by L1 Polish students”. In: Daria Długosz, Jadwiga Pecko, Stanisław Świtlik (eds.), Neofilologia: perspektywy transdyscyplinarności (tom II) (pp. 465-479). Warsaw: Instytut Germanistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
- Testa, M. (2020). “Exploring the relation between psychotypologies and article acquisition”. Psycholinguistics, 27(2): 252-289. doi: 10.31470/2309-1797-2020-27-2-252-289
- Testa, M. (2019). “Va bbùonu: una classificazione degli avverbi cosentini nella traduzione di Il Piccolo Principe”. Acta Philologica, 55: 49-63.
- Testa, M. (2019). “Wykorzystanie innego języka w nauce języka tercjalnego”. Języki Obce w Szkole 5/2019: 7-13.
- Testa, M. (2019). “The acquisition of L3 Spanish articles: What can be learned from a simple linear regression analysis?”. Research in Corpus Linguistics, 7: 84-112. doi: 10.32714/ricl.07.05
- Testa, M. (2019). “Elecciones léxicas de los estudiantes polacos de ELE: ¿venir or llegar?”. Itinerarios: Revista de estudios lingüísticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos, 29: 317-334. doi: 10.7311/itinerarios.29.2019.14
- Testa, M. (2018). “The psycholinguistic background of L1 Polish students of L3 Spanish”. Crossroads: A Journal of English Studies, 22: 69-90. doi: 10.15290/cr.2018.22.3.04
- Adamczyk, M., Garrido González, A., Piłat Zuzankiewicz, M., Testa, M. (2021). La enseñanza del español como Lengua Extranjera en el siglo XXI: desafíos y estrategias. Warsaw.