IRO UW - EIB Summer School 2023 - Application deadline: Monday 17 April 2023
Szanowni Państwo,
uprzejmie informujemy, że dziś rozpoczął się nabór wniosków w konkursie dot. szkoły letniej Instytutu Europejskiego Banku Inwestycyjnego. UW wyłoni 3 uczestników.
Application for the EIB Summer School 2023 „Exploring the EU Climate Bank” is now open!
Please check the announcement at the IRO UW website:
The EIB Summer School 2023 „Exploring the EU Climate Bank” – 27 June – 7 July 2023 – is a fully on-site event in Luxembourg for Master’s students from all academic fields with an interest in sustainability, climate change and the environment as well as students with a background in engineering and other hard or life sciences. All participants shall have a substantial understanding of the functioning of European institutions and a basic understanding of finance banking.
Application deadline: Monday 17 April 2023, until 11:59pm / 23:59 CEST.