14 maja 2009 r. w Instytucie Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich UW w godz. 11:30-15:00 w sali 217 wygłoszone zostały gościnne wykłady socjologów z Uniwersytetu Complutense w Madrycie:

  • godz. 11:30 - dr. Lorenzo Navarrete Moreno: “La juventud española actual y cambios en la conducta social”
  • godz. 13:15 - lic. Cristina Cuenca: “Altruismo y conducta de ayuda. El modelo de Banco de Tiempo en España”

Dr. Lorenzo Navarrete Moreno: Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Departamento de Teoría Sociológica. Dean of the Colegio de Politólogos y Sociólogos de Madrid
TITLE: "Some aspects of friendship- and coupling-patterns and their relation to welfare-state-policies in Spain: The Delay of emancipation and its influence in youth relationships"

Lic. Cristina Cuenca: Honorary Collaborator of the Department of Sociological Theory (Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology - U.C.M.) is Social and Political Research Laboratory Coordinator at Professional Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists of Madrid. Member of the Telecommunication and Information Society National Observatory Expert Group- Industry Ministry. Expert on Social Psychology.
TITLE: "An altruist community intervention tool: Time Banks"

A Time Bank is a formal organization dedicated to arrange time exchanges between its users. In my works I consider Bank Times as a networking tool for communitarian intervention which generates and makes visible a specific field of social interaction: the altruist mechanisms. This interaction scope is governed by its own culture, principles, values and structures, objective and symbolic.

It is in a prosocial scope where the Time Banks' Communities merge, which we could also define as "mutual aid networks ", based on equality and willingness ("one hour dedicated to helping other has the same value for everybody").

Time Banks are privileged places for the prosocial Communities generation. These communities are developing an alternative economic system to the monetary one, based on the logic of abundance, confidence, solidarity and the reciprocity.

The study of Time Banks may serve to analyze the possibilities of new intervention methodologies for communitarian development, as well as to explore emergent psycho-social aspects, related to the collective action in our "liquid societies" at the beginning of century XXI.